很多人在過去的幾天深度且直接地感受到了能量。 你的清理/淨化現在是你個人的道路。
因為你認為一旦你攀登了總體清理的山脈就不會體驗大量的痛苦。 . 你是鷹,高飛著決定何時以及如何降落。挑戰任何阻止或控制你的人---因為你不再可被操控,
Each of us is given the capacity to choose our own path in life. But it is a fool to believe that we walk that path alone. No matter where we go, we take a little of each other with us.
我們每個人都被賦予在生活中選擇我們自己的道路。但這往往是愚笨認為, 我們是孤獨地走在那個道路。其實,不管我們去哪裡, 我們的內在都帶著彼此的一部份與自己走在那條路上。
有許多您能打開揭示神的課題的那扇門。每個課題都必須仔細地學習並瞭解它的力量和弱點, 以及知道哪些類型的經驗是開啟那些鎖的鑰匙。您只須以敏感和真誠及仁慈地獻身於幫助他人作為樂趣。天堂所有的門將是對您開放。
There are many disciplines by which you can unlock the gates of Divine revelation. Each must be studied carefully to understand its strengths and weakness, and to know which of its keys unlock which types of experience.
But all of that is unnecessary if you will only devote yourself to helping another with sensitivity and sincerity—to take pleasure in doing kindness for another.
Then all the gates of Heaven will be open to you.