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作家相片: Sunnie LeiSunnie Lei

我們是生活在蓋亞的覺醒星際種子。 我們已經準備好迎接來自銀河中央太陽的女神能量並且終結二元螺旋 銀河戰爭在太陽系內的最後戰役就將完結。 太陽系能永遠充滿和平、豐盛和幸福。 事件不再繼續拖延。 黑暗勢力隱藏的秘密都將即刻現形。 黑暗勢力失去所有用來維持地球隔離狀態的戰略優勢; 蓋亞和她的子民們得以揚升。 生物晶片、植入物和純量波干擾都完全失效。 我們即要重獲自由、豐盛和第一次接觸。


Speak the words below  – note that you will be speaking these words with no other sounds – just your true voice expressing your free will:

We, the awakened starseeds of Gaia,  our readiness for the pulse of Goddess energies from the Galactic Central Sun to bring an end to spiritual duality.

We declare our desire for a peaceful transition to the Golden Age and a speedy end to this final galactic war in our solar system – for peace, abundance, and happiness to be present throughout our solar system forever more.

We demand an end to any further delays to the Event: that all remaining secrets of the dark forces be made known immediately, that all dark rituals from this day forward be rendered ineffective, and that all tactical advantages which are used to maintain Quarantine Earth be nullified so that the Ascension of Gaia and her inhabitants can commence.

It is our free will that the effects of biochips, implants, and scalar interference cease completely so that our fellow Lightworker & Lightwarrior Starseeds fully awaken to their respective missions and assist in leading the way into the Golden Age.

The time for our freedom is now. We use the energies of this Scorpio New Moon to announce our desire for liberation, abundance and First Contact.

Let the Goddess finally bring peace to Earth and the galaxy.

So be it, and so it is.

We demand peace. We demand the Event. Let us make our free will known throughout the cosmos.

Victory of the Light!



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