What youre experiencing more and more first, as part of this process, is the splitting of your world into a variety of parallel versions of Earth.
Thats going on right now quite physically. And thats why youre seeing more and more and more dichotomy in your cultures and societies.
As people vibrate to certain ideas, then they will wind up on certain plates or plateaus of reality that are different versions of Earth.
And as they split apart, sometimes jaggedly, you will find that you will drift farther and farther and farther apart.
Until one day, in the near future, you will only be able to experience whatever plateau youre on, in terms of its effects, in terms of all the people that are there with you.
And you will no longer be able to perceive, like you can perceive right now, differences, radical differences and vibrational incompatibility with anyone else in that reality.

Right now, because the splits are new, because its just beginning to really crack and beginning to pull apart, you can still see different people choosing different realities, as if you were looking through glass, at their reality, and you literally are.
Just because you can see people who might be choosing pathways that are wholly unlike what you would prefer to experience on your planet, doesnt mean you actually still reside on the same version of earth that they do.
You are literally looking through a glass sheet, and even though you can still see them in the choices that they make, that might be more negative than you would prefer, none of what theyre choosing can actually reach you through the glass.
But eventually, the glass will become more opaque, and you will only see the reality that you harmonize to, eventually.
You will stop perceiving them. They will no longer literally be in your version of earth. Because you see, again, you never actually change the world youre on.
You change yourself, and you shift to another version of earth that already exists, thats already more reflective of a vibrational change you made within yourself.
Q: Less and less negativity and…?
Q: 負面的情況越來越少?
Yes, if thats what you choose.

Thats how it works. Youre never on the same Earth from moment to moment, billions of times per second.
This is one of the things youre learning, is that every moment is absolutely new.
You are absolutely a new person, on absolutely a new earth, in absolutely a new universe, in absolutely a new multi-verse, in absolutely a new expression of Existence.
Its just that you create this illusion of continuity to make it appear as if youre just making small changes on the same planet.
Every change is a total change of everything, everywhere.
You just trick yourself into believing that thats not the case, but you getting over that.
Here is something important to understand, all these things that we talk about, such as the description we just gave of how reality is actually structured. Its not something you have to learn to do.
You just are in the process of realizing that you have always been doing it.
Youre just looking at it differently. Looking at it more consciously, and thus you can use what youve already been doing in a different way.
But you dont have to learn to do it.
You already do it automatically. Youre just becoming aware that youre already doing it, and thats what makes the difference.