巴夏:【認識「活在今日轉變年代才有」的神奇能力】 2019/02/10 翻譯:Jimmy
影片摘自:2014-Bashar at Lightning in a Bottle 購買網址:http://www.basharstore.com/lib-2014/
Looking at it from a linear perspective, when you're still a soul, and you decide you want to have a particular kind of physical experience. 從一種線性角度來看,當你仍是個靈魂,並決定要經歷某些特定的物質體驗時,
You will layout a certain theme that you will explore. 你會列出一些自己要去探索的特定主題。
You can say that that soul theme is your "destiny". 你可以這麼說:那些「靈魂要探索的主題」就是你的「命運」。
How you explore that theme when you are physical is up to your free will. 當你具有物質身體,你要如何探索那些主題,是取決於你的「自由意志」。
Let's say the theme, in general as an analogy that the soul is chosen it: it will walk down a specific hallway in life, a specific pathway in life. 這麼說吧,那被靈魂選中的主題通常被比喻為:一道你走上的特定人生長廊、一條特定的人生道路。
That's your destiny to explore that theme, to walk that path. 那就是你要探索你人生主題的(所謂)「命運」,你要走的人生道路。
But how you do it is up to your free will: you can walk, you can run, you can fly, you can jump. 但你要如何探索,則取決於你的「自由意志」。你可以用走的、你可以用跑的、你可以飛行、你可以跳躍。
You can resist it, you can flow with it, you can be sad, you can be happy. 你可以抵抗、你可以順勢而為、你可以傷心難過,你也可以開心快樂。
You can go side to side, you can go backwards, upside down, inside out. 你可以左右移動、你可以倒退、顛倒、從裡到外。
That's up to your free will, but explore that path you will. 那全都取決於你的「自由意志」,只是由你的意志在決定「你要如何探索」。
Now, one additional caviar... 現在,再告訴你們一個額外的福音(如美食額外加上魚子醬)。
Because this is the transformational age on your planet. 因為現在是你們星球重大轉變的年代。
One extra thing has been added: The ability to change your theme while you're still alive. 一份額外的禮物已為你們添增:在你們還以物質身體活在地球的時候,你們具有「可以改變自己人生主題」的能力。
So, if you get to a point in your life where you believe that you've explored all the major themes that you've chosen to explore in this life, 所以,當你在人生的經歷過程中到達了一個「你認為你已經探索完所有你選擇的主要主題」時,
Then you can actually add more themes, make new agreements. It's up to you. 那麼,你實際上可以(藉由和你的本我共同)創造出新的協議,而增加更多主題。這是你可以決定的事。
You are now that flexible. 你們現在(對於自己要來體驗的人生主題),就是那麼「可變通」。
And when we say explore a theme, what we're talking about is:anything in your life that is what you consider to be the greatest challenges that you face, not meaning challenges in a negative sense. Challenges are exciting. 而當我們說「探索一個人生主題」,我們所談的是指:任何發生在你的人生中你認為的最大挑戰,而我們指的挑戰並沒有負面的意思。挑戰是令人興奮的事。
But the greatest challenges that you face are usually representative of the theme you chose to explore, and the way in which you chose to transform limitation into freedom, and darkness into light. 但是,你們會面臨的最大挑戰,通常是代表著「你已選擇要來探索的人生主題」,以及「你選擇要來將限制轉變成自由,把黑暗轉變成光明的途徑過程」。
