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作者:Jetson White  作者


創造時間線 超自然事件即將推出! 3個大潮的潮汐將到達,這些潮汐基本上是轉變能量,而不是水。這不是災難性的事件,而是轉型之一。我的指導靈一直告訴我傳遞我們都應該專注於保持我們的振動的信息,同時強調盡可能多地接觸自己的重要性。當這種轉變情況發生時,你所感受到的唯一的事情就是無條件的愛,比以前任何事情都更加放大。所有第三方的擔憂,如金錢,政治,關係問題等都將徹底消失。

The energy of change. Of transformation It’s here now. It is happening. The breaking down of the old to make room for the new. The people are awakening and rising up saying NO MORE.

No more to lies and deception. No more to corruption behind closed doors. No more dismissal of blatant lies and devious dark criminal behavior. No more blindly following others who tell us what THEY think WE ARE.

How dare they! How dare ANYONE attempt to tell you or me who THEY think we are or should be.

We’re onto them. More and more of us. Those floodgates are open friends and there is no going back. We see them for their dark actions and lies.

We no longer blindly accept the words and promises out of our elected official’s mouths. We no longer blindly accept the words out of the puppets who sit behind newsroom desks and read their teleprompters, purporting to tell the truth. We no longer blindly believe a damn thing big corporations like Monsanto and Vaccine Manufacturer’s tell us about how “safe” and “healthy” their products are. We no longer blindly accept the fluoride they put in our water.

We no longer accept the notion that nuclear technology, oil, coal, fracking and the like are somehow ANYTHING but archaic, deadly and criminal. We no longer look to the skies and accept those trails as normal contrails. We no longer believe that war is a necessary evil.

What started as a small pebble in the pond of awakening has now grown into a number that is simply exponential. We are remembering who we are. And there ain’t no going back.

We are now a force to be reckoned with. And now it is THEY who are fearing US.

My beautiful earth friends, keep on loving yourselves. Keep on speaking your Truth. Keep on questioning your reality. Keep on shining that BEAUTIFUL spirit. Keep on Believing that WE create this reality. Keep on Believing that WE CAN HAVE ANY THING WE WANT.  ANY THING.

All of this chaos and destruction is allowing us to create the reality we want from an energy space of Truth and Love. From respect and reverence for ourselves and others.

So my fellow earth family~

Love yourselves deeply. Love others just as deeply. Live passionately. Live truthfully.

For that is who you really are. It is who we ALL really are.

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三重鏡像時間 02:22 表明你最近在腦海中種下的想法開始發展並成為現實,所以不要停止澆水和照顧它們。很快它們就會從地下冒出來,你的慾望會在你面前表現出來。換句話說,不要犯在奇蹟發生前5分鐘放棄的錯誤。你的想法將成為現實,所以繼續前進。保持積極思考,並學會在腦海中完善和形象...


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