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巴夏: It's important for you to understand that 有一點很重要,你們一定要明白,就是:

Every single circumstance, every single situation 每一種境遇,每一種情景

Actually has though not a built-in meaning, a built-in structure 雖然都不帶有任何意義,但都帶有某種結構

So when you go about manifesting and creating with your imagination, your creativity a circumstance , an idea, a situation, an opportunity 所以,當你想運用你的想像力與創造力,去顯化與創造某種境遇、某個理念、某種情景或某種機會時

There is a built-in structure that then can automatically unfold 它們內置的結構就會自動展開

You don't have to do that much once you have used your creativity to set up a certain circumstance, (也就是說)一旦你運用你的創造力,設置好某個情景,你就不需要做太多事了

The structure that inherent within it will allow that to flow into your reality along that structure guide path (因為)這個情景會通過其內部固有的結構導向路徑,流入你的世界(實相)中

And it will fit as it needs to fit naturally 並且它會根據自身需要,自然地吻合

So you don't have to do so much engineering 所以,你不需要做太多的“工程”

You just have to sort of creatively make space by creating the fundamental circumstance or situation 你只需要運用創造力,構建出基礎的情形或境遇,從而製造出空間

That even sometimes just symbolically representative of a reality 有時候,甚至只需要製造出某個實相的象徵性的代表

In another words, mock it up 換句話說:“模擬它

Physically mock up what you think it would look like 通過實際行動,來模擬你所想像的情景

The closer you can get to what you perceive as an actual physical reality version of it 你模擬出來的情景,越接近你認為可以“是”的現實版本之一

Again not that you have to insist it must look that way (再次提醒:並不是說你要堅持“一定得是你所想的那樣”)

But the closer you can ground your vision into actual physical action 你越是能夠將你所想像的,落地到實際行動中

Even if you are, in a sense, mocking it up 某種程度上講,即使你只是模擬它

Creating a simulation 即使只是製造一個模擬的情景

that does carry a certain vibratory frequency to your mind 這也能夠帶給你身體意識某種振動頻率

And when you create that vibratory frequency 當你創造出這樣的振動頻率

And immerse yourself in what you might call a real physical virtual reality representation of an idea 並且沉浸在你們可能稱之為“某個想法的一種真實的、實體的虛擬現實代表物”之中

Then your body consciousness starts to actually respond to it as if it is actually real 那麼,你的身體意識就會開始對此作出反應,就好像是它是真實的一樣

Remember 記住:

When your brain perceives that the information you are receiving is actually real 當你的大腦感知到:你所接收到的信息實際上是“真實的”

It retains up to sixty to seventy percent more of the information than when it knows in a sense that it's a simulation 那大腦所保留下來的信息量,會比“知道這只是個模擬”的多,最多的可多至60%至70%

So the more real you can make it, 所以,你模擬出來的情景越真實

Putting things where you believe they would be, interacting with physical things in the way you believe you would be interacting with things should they happen that way 就像你相信:如果事情那樣發生了,那麼你會這樣這樣地放置某些物品,那樣那樣地處理(互動)某些事物

The more you are training your body consciousness to get used to that reality 那麼,你越能夠訓練你的身體意識習慣於那個實相(的振頻)

And the more it goes into alignment with that imagination vibration 身體意識也會變得與“想像的情景的振頻”愈發匹配

And it starts to synchronize 並且開始同步(慢慢同頻)

And it more synchronically can manifest the reality that is at least somewhat symbolically representative, at least very closely to what it is you have mocked up 你也將更加同步地顯化出那個(想像的)實相,至少在某種程度上象徵著那個實相,(或者)至少非常接近你所模擬的情景

So that's one way to do it 這是實現方法之一

巴夏: Does it sound like fun? 這聽起來是不是很有趣呢?

參考閱讀: 巴夏:模仿 / 假裝 巴夏:未來教學(全息+伽馬) 巴夏:不是你創造實相,而是你顯化實相



信息是物質與抽象、真實與理想之間的中介」美國物理學家漢斯·克里斯蒂安·拜耶強調,「真實的物體,不管是一個原子、一個DNA分子,還是一本書或一 架鋼琴,都是從信息這種奇特的可壓縮的實體中迸發出來的,而信息,在進行了一系列複雜的轉換後產生了意義,紮根在我們的大腦、我們的理智之中。」。  


一切有為法,如夢幻泡影,如露亦如電,應作如是觀。 -- --《金剛經》

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03:33含義 如果守護天使 Lauviah 與三重鏡小時 03:33 或數字 333 有聯繫,那麼他就是預感和往復的象徵。他有要發送給您的消息。這個天使利用這個時間告訴你,他會讓你的友好和浪漫的感情得到回報。他想讓您放心,通過他寶貴的支持,您將不再面臨人際關係問題。...


找出潛意識已經註意到的同步性背後的含義和信息。 自從看到18:18以來,您可能會感到有些不平衡!這是完全正常的,因為數字18的能量可能有點令人不安! 看到這個鏡子的時刻在說出大量的聲音!正如我們之前所說,您目前面臨一些麻煩。這些可能偶爾會使您陷入深刻思考的時刻。天使在你身邊...


ดูเหมือนจะมีปัญหาทางเทคนิคบางอย่าง ลองเชื่อมต่ออีกครั้งหรือรีเฟรชหน้าเพจ
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