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作家相片: Sunnie LeiSunnie Lei









  • 你有沒有想過過去 15 個月發生的奇怪事件

  • 你有沒有想過為什麼這麼多國家採取了以前從未使用過的相同政策?

  • 您是否想知道為什麼有效的“挽救生命”的藥物和療法會被積極而積極地抑制

  • 你有沒有想過為什麼世界知名的科學家、病毒學家和流行病學家在 Twitter 上被禁止並從 Facebook 上刪除?

  • 你有沒有想過為什麼所有的有線新聞頻道和印刷媒體都像他們的競爭對手一樣,以同樣令人窒息的歇斯底里來報導日常的發展?

回顧過去 15 個月的事件,很難不懷疑這個 Covid 故事的意義遠不止眼前所見;事實上,雖然這種感染確實會殺死大多數患有多種潛在疾病的老年人,但也許這種病毒已被用來推動一項我們知之甚少的政治議程


這似乎相當明顯。事實上,這次 Covid 行動的管理人員已經公開表示,他們的目標是為地球上的“所有 70 億人”接種疫苗。哇。該評論中沒有很多灰色區域,是嗎?還有很多話要說,但不是在這裡......

  • Have you given any thought to the strange events of the last 15 months?

  • Have you wondered why so many countries adopted the same policies that had never been used before?

  • Have you wondered why effective ‘life-saving’ medications and therapies are actively and aggressively suppressed?

  • Have you wondered why world-renowned scientists, virologists, and epidemiologists are banned on Twitter and removed from Facebook?

  • Have you wondered why all of the cable news channels and print media cover daily developments with the same breathless hysteria as their competitors?

It’s very hard to look back on the events of the last 15 months and not suspect that there is more to this Covid story than meets the eye; that while the infection does, in fact, kill mostly older people with multiple underlying conditions, that, perhaps, the virus has been used to promote a political agenda of which we know very little.

Even so, there are things of which we can be reasonably certain, such as, that all of the fear-mongering and hysteria has been suspiciously manipulated to promote universal vaccination. That seems fairly obvious.

Managers of this Covid operation have stated quite openly that their goal is to inoculate “all 7 billion people” on planet Earth.

Wow. There’s not a lot of gray area in that comment, is there? There's more to say, but not here...


You also mentioned that ecosystems have been destroyed and then as a result, that has helped to unleash this virus. 你提到(地球上的許多)生態體系已被破壞的結果,助長了新冠病毒的解放。

Yes, and others as well throughout your history. 是的,而你們(人類)歷史上出現過的其他病毒也是這原因造成的。

So in terms of us rebuilding those ecosystems, can you make some suggestions as far as what the individual can do on their own, as well as other steps that we can take to restore these ecosystems? 所以就我們「(如何)重建生態系統」這件事來說,能否請你針對「個人可以自己做的」層面給我們一些建議,以及我們在恢復生態系統上可以採取的其他步驟。

Well, again it's about taking actions that are germane to the reality that you prefer to live in. 嗯,再次重申,重點在於:採取一些與「你們喜歡的生活實相」有密切關連性的行動。

So, this is really in some sense quite obvious. 所以某種程度上來說,這(情況和道理)是非常明顯的。

If you have destroyed the ecosystem, restore the ecosystem. 如果你們破壞了生態系統,就去恢復它。

Plant trees, clean your water, clean your air, and create actions that are in alignment with the idea of the kind of world that you prefer to see. 種植樹木、整治你們的水源、降低你們的空污,開創性地主動做一些「與你們喜歡的世界更一致」的行動。

So, if you want to see a more forested world, if you want to see a world with cleaner water, you want to see your breath in a world with cleaner air, 所以,如果你們想要看見一個有更多森林繁茂的世界、一個有更乾淨水源的世界,或想要在一個有更清新空氣的世界中呼吸,

do the things that are available to you with your technology or your abilities to create those things, create new environments. 以你們的科技或你們的能力,實際去創造那些景象,去創造新的環境。Recreate them, it's simple as that.重新創造你們的生態環境。就這麼簡單。

Now there are other things that you can do, 現在還有其他你們有可能可以去做的事情,

but remember that physical action is the language of physical reality. 但請記得:(就較高心智和高靈們所接收、看到的角度,)(你們所採取的)「具體行動」才是你們在物質實相中的語言。 Therefore the more you can actually, physically do 因而,你們越能夠採取更多實際的行動,

to recreate those ecosystems, bring them back, and restore the world to a more natural state in all the ways that you can. 以盡你們所能地用各種方法重新創造那些生態體系,就越能夠讓世界恢復到更天然的狀態。如:

Find sources of energy that don't pollute, 去發現(看見、正視、重視)不會造成汙染的能源來源,

create them, and spread them out over your planet in one way shape, or form. 以任何可行的方式去開創它們,讓它在你們的星球上散佈傳播開來。(例如太陽能、風力+電池和電網科技的結合可大幅取代傳統的發電、交通和汽車產業。)

All these things can help you. 採取所有這些相關的行動都會對你們有幫助。

Begin to reach out, begin to make more connections with others, share ideas, 開始去展開行動,開始去與其他人建立連結、去分享你們的想法,

open up your imaginations for how you can create new societies, and new systems that have less impact negatively upon your planet. 去為「如何建立對地球產生較少負面衝擊的新系统、新社會」開啟你們的想象力。

In some senses, many of you are beginning to do this. 就某方面來說,你們許多人已經開始這麼做了,

But the idea is, to keep doing it and do it in greater and greater ways with more and more people who are excited about restoring your world to a state of balance. 但是重點在於,要持之以恆並且要以規模越來越大的方式進行,讓越來越多的人為「恢復你們世界的平衡」感到興奮。

These things are relatively obvious, just do more of them. 這些事情(已有許多人在各方努力做這些事的情況)其實是相當明顯,就繼續做更多這方面的努力吧。

I don't know how this is transmitting right now but suddenly around me, there's all these horns honking in everything. 我不知道這觀念信息是如何傳送的,但現在突然間我周圍的所有這些號角都開始響起。

Um, okay, so when we were talking about restoring the ecosystem, 嗯,好的,所以當我們在談論修復地球的生態系統,

you know they are quite complex because there are so many varieties and species within the ecosystem… 你知道這實際上是相當複雜的,因為在這生態系統中有非常多多元性的差異和物種…

You can do it. Do your research and take the necessary actions, just do the best you can. 你們有能力做到。去做一些研究並採取必要的行動。只是「盡你所能」地做。

Remember,it's the actions that make the difference. 別忘了:「採取行動」才會帶來改變。

Even if a particular ecosystem is not restored on the version of earth you're on right now, 即使在你目前所處的地球版本上有某個特定的生態系統實際上並沒有復原,

taking action in that direction is one of the things that will help shift you to the version of Earth that will have more balanced ecosystems. 可幫助你們轉換至「實際擁有更平衡生態系統的地球版本」的方法之一,就是:朝那個方向採取行動。(以「物質實相的語言」展現,來轉換自己所處的實相)

Remember, you never change the world you're on. 記住,你永遠不會(也從不是在)改變你所處的世界。(你所改變的只是「你的體驗、你的觀點、你的認知、你的覺知」。)

Right, and who knows what that path will lead if people are trying to rebuild the ecosystem. 沒錯。當人們在嘗試重建生態系統,誰知道那條路會通往哪裡?

So many things can happen in that process, 在重建過程中會有非常多可能發生的情況,

as there are interactions between people, interactions with animals, and many things that we can't even imagine at this point. 會出現人與人之間的互動、與動物之間的互動,會有很多我們目前還無法想像的事會發生。

But follow “The Formula” and take the action and you'll shift yourself to versions of Earth that are more and more representative of the idea of balance. 但是只要跟隨「自己最高熱忱的行動公式」採取行動,你就會把自己轉換到越來越象徵代表平衡的地球版本。

And don't forget: It's not that you live in nature, you are nature. So, balance yourselves as well. 而別忘了:並不是你生活在大自然界中,「你」即大自然本身的一部分。因此,你也要同時保持自己的平衡。




聖人不仁,以百姓為芻狗! 普京對美國歷數的七宗罪,可謂是拳拳到肉、刀刀見血。幾乎涵蓋了經濟、軍事、政治、地緣戰略、科技等各個方面,清晰地刻畫出美帝國主義黑社會老大的醜惡嘴臉。 不論是歷史上大肆屠殺印第安人,還是如今瘋狂的掀起戰爭,美帝的罪惡都罄竹難書!今天,全球各國當以普京...


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