The purpose of life is not merely to satisfy mind’s projections. 生命的目的,不僅僅是滿足「頭腦的投射」。
Though we imagine such a life would be a happy one, it would not be a good life. 雖然我們想像如此生命會是快樂人生,它卻不是一個好的人生。
You waste your life pursuing the wind. 你浪費你的生命在追求「風」。
But to dedicate one's life to Truth, that is tremendous. 然而,奉獻人的一生於真理,那才是偉大的。
And it is a choice prompted by the Heart itself. 而且,它是由「天心」本身激勵起來的一個選擇。
One prays from the Heart, 'Let this life be one with its source.' 一個人發自「天心」禱告說:「讓這生命與它的源頭同在」。
Offer this house so that it is used in service to God and thus become a temple of light. 獻出這個屋子,讓它作為服務神的使用,且如此會變成充滿光明的一間神殿。
Throw out the old tenant called ego. 把那位稱為「小我」的舊房客丟出去。
You will never go back and say, 'Oh, I no longer want God to be here. It was better when the devil was here.' 你絕不可能走回頭路而說:「哦,我不再想要讓神在這裡,以前惡魔在這裡時是比較好的。」。
No, you will never regret this. 不,你絕不會後悔這件事。