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evidence of a life fully lived

作家相片: Sunnie LeiSunnie Lei

When we are young,

it’s the illusion of perfection that we fall in love with. . As we age,

it’s the humanness that we fall in love with- the poignant stories of overcoming, the depthful vulnerability of aging, the struggles that grew us in karmic stature, the way a soul shaped itself to accommodate its circumstances. . With less energy to hold up our armor,

we are revealed and,

in the revealing,

we call out to each other’s hearts. . Where before wounds turned us off,

they are now revealed as proof that God exists.

Where we once saw imperfect scars,

we now see evidence of a life fully lived.




聖人不仁,以百姓為芻狗! 普京對美國歷數的七宗罪,可謂是拳拳到肉、刀刀見血。幾乎涵蓋了經濟、軍事、政治、地緣戰略、科技等各個方面,清晰地刻畫出美帝國主義黑社會老大的醜惡嘴臉。 不論是歷史上大肆屠殺印第安人,還是如今瘋狂的掀起戰爭,美帝的罪惡都罄竹難書!今天,全球各國當以普京...


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