Somewhere on the other side of this wide night and the distance between us, I am thinking of you.
The room is turning slowly away from the moon.
This is pleasurable. Or shall I cross that out and say it is sad?
In one of the tenses I singing an impossible song of desire that you cannot hear.
La lala la. See? I close my eyes and imagine the dark hills I would have to cross to reach you.
For I am in love with you and this is what it is like, or what it is like in words.

表面上說時間會治療一切, 暗地裡卻讓傷痛、孤獨及不捨侵蝕著我的心當面臨獨自一人的黑夜時, 無盡的悲傷向你衝擊而來, 淚水止不住,噩夢停不了, 說什麼也捨不得他走, 告別真的好難。 就因為有情有愛, 所以難以「Say Goodbye」, 請容許我悲傷─ 這些記憶,彷如幽靈般飄來又去, 在無意間,在恍惚間,在夢醒時, 在深夜裏,或在睡前, 會忽地襲捲上來……。 生命,有理悟,有情癡,
它一直來回擺盪。 愛的回憶、學到的功課,以及得到的禮物,在內心某處繼續流著對妳的愛。
無法追隨對你的愛 過去的歲月一再展現於夢中 留下與離去都是兩難的事 無力抵擋因緣的神秘力量 你已與你嗜愛的飛航 飛向不可追隨的空間 獨剩一人面對最後與你不可觸及的距離 蕭蕭作響的風聲觸摸著心靈沉默的記憶 一對承載水分的眼簾在遺落與想念之間徘徊 又怎經得起含沙的風輕輕一吹? 今夜我欲著上一襲黑衣入睡 以悼祭那死去的回憶和詭譎的陰間 和我那失落的無法追隨的愛.

we are
bones and ash,
the roots of weeds
poking through
our skulls.
simple clothes,
empty mind,
full stomach,
alive, aware,
right here,
right now.
Drunk on music, who needs wine?
Come on, Sweetheart, let’s go dancing while we’ve still got feet.