靈性法則 / 能量恆變法則
試著學習不評判,接受事物本來的面貌 ,然後有一天你會發現想法改變了而且更積極正向,是因為你獲得更大的理解和接納所謂的真實所產生的結果。

Spiritual Laws: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Everything and everyone is only energy. With “free will” you can choose to change, to transmute, energy with your thoughts.
Your thoughts come from your perspective of situations, people and things. These perspectives are based on your judgments. These judgments are made from where you are standing at the present moment of now.
By learning not to judge, by accepting “What is Now”, your thoughts change and more positive thoughts, based on greater understanding and acceptance, allow higher vibrational frequencies to consume and change previous lower vibrational frequencies of thought, which may have been more negative thoughts. This transmutation comes about by forgiveness of others and sending them love.
By thinking negative thoughts you send lower vibrational frequencies to others negatively affecting all parties involved.
If you use your free will to change and transmute your thought patterns, based on forgiveness and love, you allow your vibrational frequencies of energy to increase as you evolve towards the light.
