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‘The Joker is wild When she shows her face. She lights up the dark With all-powerful grace.’ You have finished your healing trick.”

‘Joker of love takes the reins, And the perfect punchline is all that remains.”

Gaze at the image of the card. Then say the following three times out loud:

Affirmation: “Say the following affirmation aloud to boost the power of this message and to integrate it into your body, mind and soul.

You can say it morning and/or evening for a few days or even a few months, or just at the end of your healing trick.

‘The Joker is wild When she shows her face. She lights up the dark With all-powerful grace.’ You have finished your healing trick.”

‘Joker of love takes the reins, And the perfect punchline is all that remains.”

~ By Alana Fairchild

Healing Trick: “To help you take the wisdom offered and put it to best use in your life now, do this healing trick to clear obstacles to putting this guidance into place.


Joker Is Wild: “The universe has a sense of humor, but never at your expense.

It is laughing with you, not at you. You will see this for yourself as the Joker weaves her magic in your life, bringing you the grace that is beyond all reason, the necessary ingredient to ensure you win with the hand you have been dealt by life.

There is nothing impossible when the Joker appears. Her wild ways can transform a losing streak into a lifelong love affair with Lady Luck.”

“Strap yourself in and prepare for the ride of a lifetime. The Joker has come to you and the Joker Is Wild.


Unpredictable and brilliant, she brings you a message.

You are being empowered to overcome all odds. So you are going to win. No doubts, no dramas, but not necessarily in a way that you expect either!

She is sending the best possible situation to you even now. It might startle you, like a sudden light in the middle of the night, but it will be welcome nonetheless.


The Joker is the highest, the card to beat all others. No matter how much another may seem to have the upper hand, or how many forces seem to be against you, even if you feel like a lone wolf about to be mauled by a pack of hungry lions, the Joker always wins.

She comes out of the blue, and changes destiny from darkness to light. She brings the brilliant solution that ends a problem, the way through that is best and brightest.


You probably won’t see it coming. It will probably be in a way that subverts everything you once believed to be true.

But it will be a welcome trick by the universe, a loving joke that opens your heart and helps you realize that this vast impersonal universe personally knows and cares for you, so intimately and with such meticulous care.

Just don’t expect to feel in control of the process, for the Joker is wild and moves according to her own genius, but always blesses you with what will work best, beyond compare, now and always.”


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