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Loved Me Back to Life


Céline Dion於2013年的歌曲, 訴說著當自己灰心喪志時, 上帝的心總是不離不棄的陪伴在身邊, 並帶回到現實生活, 如獲重生一般的喜悅。


I was walking dead 我像行屍走肉一樣 Stuck inside my head 腦子呈現停滯的狀態 I couldn’t get out 我無法擺脫 Turn the lights down 關掉電燈 The voices inside were so loud 內在裡面的聲音是如此響亮

Need a jump-start, catatonia 需要跳脫現況卻如此緊張 I couldn’t feel, 我無法去感受 I wish that I could disappear 我好希望就此消失掉 The voices inside were so real 內心的這股聲音是如此真實

But you stood by my side 但你就這樣陪在我身邊 Night after night, night after night. 一晚又一晚

You loved me back to life, life 你的愛帶我回到了世界(生命) From the coma. 從昏迷中帶回 The wait is over. 等待已經結束 You loved me back to life, life 你的愛帶我回到了世界(生命) From the coma. 從昏迷中帶回 We’re lovers again tonight. 今晚,我們又再一次相愛了

Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life, yeah, yeah. 回到生命,回到生活,回到世界,回到生命,耶~

You woke me up, one touch and I felt alive 你喚醒了我,一次的輕撫讓我感覺到重生 You loved me back to life, 你的愛帶我回到了世界(生命) Back to life, thought I died. 回到現實的生活,我還以為我掛了 The voices inside were so quiet. 內在裡的聲音是如此安靜

But you stood by my side 但你就這樣陪在我身邊 Night after night, night after night. 一晚又一晚

You loved me back to life, life 你的愛帶我回到了世界(生命) From the coma. 從昏迷中帶回 The wait is over. 等待已經結束 You loved me back to life, life 你的愛帶我回到了世界(生命) From the coma. 從昏迷中帶回 We’re lovers again tonight. 今晚,我們又再一次相愛了

Strong hand, thick skin and an open heart 強壯的手臂,厚實的手掌與一顆敞開的心 You saw through the pain, saw through the mask 你看穿了我的痛苦,看穿了我臉上的面具 You never gave up on me, yeah 你卻從未對我放棄過

Life, life 生活,生命 From the coma. 從昏迷中回來了 The wait is over. 等待已經結束 You loved me back to life, life 你的愛帶我回到了世界(生命) From the coma. 從昏迷中回來了 We’re lovers again tonight 今晚,我們又再一次相愛了

Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life Yeah, yeah…


啟程的時候有沒有一雙溫柔的手承諾等候? 沉淪的時候有沒有一個堅強的肩牓包容依靠? 高亢的巔峰有沒有一些美麗的眼睛釋放期許?


乘著羽翼….能不能接近天堂? 乘著真愛….能不能逃過悲傷?


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